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Brigade Docs

Brigade: Event-driven scripting for Kubernetes.


In Brigade, a project is a conceptual grouping of event subscriptions paired with logic expressing how to handle those events.

This document explains how to create and manage projects in Brigade.

An Introduction to Projects

Brigade projects provide the necessary context for executing Brigade scripts. In addition to event subscriptions, they also specify the configuration of the worker in charge of running the event handler logic.

Often times, a Brigade Project will point to an external VCS repository, in which case this configuration will also be a part of the project definition. The purpose of this feature is to make it easy to inject source code from a repository into a Brigade pipeline, and do so in a way that meets standard expectations about file versioning and storage.

Because GitHub is massively popular with open source developers, we chose to focus on GitHub as a first experience. However, this document explains how to work with other Git services, and how to extend Brigade to work with other VCS systems.

Creating and Managing a Project

Before we can create a Brigade project, we need to define the project itself. We will discuss the project definition file and then explore how to create and manage a project from on a given definition file. If you’d like to skip ahead and learn how to streamline project creation via the brig init command, proceed to the brig init section below.

Project definition files

Brigade project definition files are represented in YAML or JSON and follow a schema that will look familiar to users who have dealt with Kubernetes manifests - however, they are their own entities and are only understood by Brigade and the brig CLI.

This approach allows users of Brigade to persist project configuration in a VCS of their choice. Updating a pre-existing project is as easy as supplying the updated configuration to the corresponding brig command.

As an example, let’s look at a project definition expressed in YAML and break it down into its main sections:

kind: Project
  id: hello-world
description: Demonstrates responding to an event with brigadier
  - source:
    - exec
    logLevel: DEBUG
      brigade.js: |
        const { events } = require("@brigadecore/brigadier");

        events.on("", "exec", async event => {
          console.log("Hello, World!");


There are three high-level sections in the definition above. They are:

  1. Project metadata, including: i. The apiVersion of the schema for this project ii. The schema kind, which will always be Project iii. The id, or name, of the Project iv. A description of the project
  2. The eventSubscriptions configuration, which contains one event source ( and one type under that source (exec). This particular configuration corresponds to events that arise from brig event create commands.
  3. The workerTemplate, which represents the configuration for the worker in charge of running the script associated with this project. This particular configuration has logLevel set to DEBUG and the brigade.js script for this project defined in-line under defaultConfigFiles. We’ll discuss similar scripts in more detail in the Scripting Guide, but for now we see that this script imports the events object from the brigadier library and declares an event handler for the event source/type combination mentioned above. In response to such events, it prints “Hello, World!” to the console.

For further examples of project definition files to help you get started, see the examples directory. Each example sub-directory will have a project.yaml file - this is the project definition file with configuration to that specific project.

Brig init

To quickly bootstrap a new project, Brigade offers the brig init command. It will generate a new project definition file based on the options provided, which can then be used to create the project in Brigade.

For example, to initialize a project named myproject with default settings, which includes TypeScript as the scripting language and no git configuration, run the following:

$ brig init --id myproject

Or, if the alternate scripting language option of JavaScript is preferred, run:

$ brig init --id myproject --language js

If the project is git-based, supply the git repository name where the Brigade script for this project will reside:

$ brig init --id myproject --git<org>/<repo>.git

A few assets will be created in the directory in which the command is run. The bulk of the generated files can be found in the .brigade/ directory, including the project definition file (project.yaml), a secrets file (secrets.yaml) and a NOTES.txt file with next steps. Additionally, a .gitignore file is created (or amended, if it already exists) to ensure that the secrets file and script dependencies are not tracked in version control.

The brig project create Command

With a project definition file in hand, you’re now ready to create the project with brig. For purposes of demonstration, let’s say the project.yaml file exists in the same directory as the command being run:

$ brig project create --file project.yaml

This command will submit the project definition to Brigade’s API server. After validating that the definition adheres to the project schema, Brigade will persist the project on the substrate (in the form of a unique namespace) and in the backing database.

Update a project

You can update a project at any time with the following command:

$ brig project update --file project.yaml

Delete a project

To delete a project, run:

$ brig project delete --id myproject

Listing and inspecting projects with brig

You can list all projects via:

$ brig project list

You can also directly inspect your project with brig project get. To see the full project definition, add --output [yaml|json]:

$ brig project get --id myproject --output yaml

Additional project management commands

To manage project secrets, the brig project secret suite of commands can be used. For example, to set secrets for a project via a secrets file, run:

$ brig project secret set --file secrets.yaml

To explore different ways to manage secrets in Brigade, see the Secrets doc.

To manage roles for a project, see the brig project roles suite of commands. Roles can be created, listed and revoked. For an overview on roles and authorization in general, see the Authorization doc.

Project namespaces

Brigade creates a unique namespace on the underlying substrate (Kubernetes) corresponding to each project. Although most users shouldn’t have a need to inspect resources under a project namespace on the substrate, to see which unique namespace a project is assigned, run the brig project get command and note the kubernetes.namespace value. For example:

$ brig project get --id hello-world --output yaml

description: The simplest possible example
kind: Project
  namespace: brigade-97cd352f-90e1-48d0-8797-4f7867a72bd3
  created: "2021-08-11T17:47:07.555Z"
  id: hello-world
  - source:
    - exec
      brigade.js: |
        console.log("Hello, World!");
    logLevel: DEBUG
    useWorkspace: false

Git-based projects

Using SSH Keys

You can use SSH keys and a git+ssh URL to secure a private repository.

In this case, your project’s cloneURL should be of the form<org>/<repo>.git and you will need to add the SSH private key as a secret to the project with the key gitSSHKey.

For example, if project secrets are contained in a secrets.yaml file, the private key would be added like so:

gitSSHKey: |-

The project secrets can then be updated via the usual brig command:

$ brig project secrets set --file secrets.yaml

Using other Git providers

Brigade ships with generalized Git support, so use of repositories from any Git provider should be possible on a Brigade project.

You must ensure, however, that the Kubernetes cluster hosting Brigade can access the Git repository over the network via the URL provided in cloneURL.

To subscribe a Git-based project to events from a corresponding provider, a Gateway is necessary. Brigade currently has gateway support for GitHub and BitBucket. See the Gateways doc for further info.