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Brigade Docs

Brigade: Event-driven scripting for Kubernetes.


This guide explains how gateways work, and provides guidance for creating your own.

What Is A Brigade Gateway?

The Brigade architecture is oriented around the concept that Brigade scripts run as a response to one or more events. In Brigade, a gateway is an entity that generates events from external sources.

Currently, all of our officially supported gateways are triggered by webhooks delivered from external systems over HTTP(S), but there are no rules about what can be used as a trigger for an event. A gateway could hypothetically listen on a message queue, run as a chat bot, or watch files on a file system.

While Brigade ships without any gateways included, installing one alongside Brigade is as simple as a Helm chart install, along with any additional setup particular to a given gateway. See below for a current listing of compatible gateways.

Available Gateways

Currently, the list of official Brigade gateways is as follows:

Follow the installation instructions provided in each gateway’s repository to learn how to get started.

The Anatomy of a Brigade Event

All gateways perform the same job, that is, to translate activity and context from some source into a Brigade event. Let’s now look at the structure of a Brigade event.

A Brigade Event is defined primarily by its source and type values, worker configuration and worker status.

Here is a YAML representation of an event created via the brig event create command for the 01-hello-world sample project. Note that many of the fields shown are populated with system-generated values, such as timestamps, IDs and worker status. The primary fields that can be set by a client (a gateway in this case) are projectID, source and type.

kind: Event
  created: "2021-08-11T22:22:41.366Z"
  id: 48c960eb-5823-46d0-8390-ec6a2a966b98
projectID: hello-world
type: exec
    configFilesDirectory: .brigade
      brigade.js: |
        console.log("Hello, World!");
    logLevel: DEBUG
    useWorkspace: false
    workspaceSize: 10Gi
    ended: "2021-08-11T22:22:49Z"
    kind: WorkerStatus
    phase: SUCCEEDED
    started: "2021-08-11T22:22:41Z"

Let’s look at the high-level sections in the event definition above. They are:

  1. Event metadata, including: i. The apiVersion of the schema for this event ii. The schema kind, which will always be Event iii. The id of the Event iv. A created timestamp for the Event v. The projectID that the Event is associated with vi. The event source vii. The event type
  2. The worker.spec section, which contains worker configuration inherited from the project definition associated with the event in combination with system-level defaults.
  3. The worker.status section, which contains the started and ended timestamps and current phase of the worker handling the event. In the example above, it has already reached the terminal phase of SUCCEEDED.

To explore the SDK definitions of an Event object, see the Go SDK Event and JavaScript/TypeScript SDK Event.

Creating Custom Gateways

Given the above description of how gateways work, we can walk through how a minimal example gateway can be built. We’ll focus on the event creation side of a Brigade gateway, rather than going over other common attributes, such as an HTTP(S) server that awaits external webhook events.

Since the Brigade API server is the point of contact for gateway authentication/authorization and event submission, gateway developers will need to pick an SDK to use. For this example, we’ll be using the Go SDK. As of this writing, a Javascript/Typescript SDK and a Rust SDK also exist.

Events and Sensitive Information

Before proceeding further, we’re obliged to mention that Events emitted by a gateway should NEVER contain secret or sensitive information. Because Brigade routes events to interested parties (projects) based on a subscription model, always assume that any project in your Brigade instance could be subscribed to any event that a gateway creates.

In practice, this shouldn’t be a difficult thing to overcome. Events can contain non-secret references to things that parties (projects) having appropriate secrets can access. By way of example, anyone can subscribe to events from the GitHub gateway originating from any repo – even private ones – but only projects having the correct secrets will ever be able to pull source from such a repo.

Otherwise, operators also have the choice of installing a separate, private Brigade instance with its own gateway array. See the Deployment doc for guidance on how to deploy more than one Brigade instance to a Kubernetes cluster.

Example Gateway

The following example assumes a running Brigade instance has been deployed and the ability to create a service account is in place (e.g. you have the role of ‘ADMIN’ or you are logged in as the root user). If you’d like to follow along and haven’t yet deployed Brigade, check out the QuickStart.


Service Account creation

All Brigade gateways require a service account token for authenticating with Brigade when submitting an event into the system. As preparation, we’ll create a service account for this gateway and save the generated token for use in our program.

$ brig service-account create \
	--id example-gateway \
	--description example-gateway

Make note of the token returned. This value will be used in another step. It is your only opportunity to access this value, as Brigade does not save it.

Authorize this service account to create new events of a given source:

$ brig role grant EVENT_CREATOR \
    --service-account example-gateway \

Note: The --source option specifies that this service account can be used only to create events having a value of in the event’s source field. This is a security measure that prevents the gateway from using this token for impersonating other gateways.

The rule of thumb to avoid source clashes is to use a URI you control. This means leading with one’s own domain or the URL for something else one owns, like the URL for a GitHub repo, for instance.

Go setup

We’ll be using the Go SDK for our example gateway program and we’ll need to do a bit of prep. We’re assuming your system has Go installed and configured properly. (If not, please visit the Go installation docs to do so.)

Let’s create a directory where our program’s main.go file can reside and perform bootstrapping for our Go program, including initializing its Go module and fetching the Brigade SDK dependency:

$ mkdir example-gateway
$ cd example-gateway
$ go mod init example-gateway
$ go get
$ touch main.go

Example Gateway code

Now we’re ready to code! Open main.go in the editor of your choice and add in the following Go code.

The program consists of a main function which procures the Brigade API server address and the gateway token (generated above) via environment variables. It then constructs an API client from these values and passes this to the createEvent helper function. This function builds a Brigade Event with the pertinent fields populated and then calls the SDK’s event create function.

See the in-line comments for further description around each section.

package main

import (


func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()

	// Get the Brigade API server address and token from the environment
	apiServerAddress := os.Getenv("APISERVER_ADDRESS")
	if apiServerAddress == "" {
		log.Fatal("Required environment variable APISERVER_ADDRESS not found.")
	gatewayToken := os.Getenv("API_TOKEN")
	if gatewayToken == "" {
		log.Fatal("Required environment variable API_TOKEN not found.")

	// The default Brigade deployment mode uses self-signed certs
	// Hence, we allow insecure connections in our APIClientOptions
	// This can be changed to false if insecure connections should not be allowed
	apiClientOpts := &restmachinery.APIClientOptions{
		AllowInsecureConnections: true,

	// Create an API client with the gateway token value
	client := sdk.NewAPIClient(

	// Construct a Brigade Event
	event := sdk.Event{
		// This is the source value for this event
		Source: "",
		// This is the event's type
		Type: "hello",
		// This is the event's payload
		Payload: "Dolly",

	// Create the Brigade Event
	events, err := client.Core().Events().Create(ctx, event, nil)
	if err != nil {

	// If the returned events list has no items, no event was created
	if len(events.Items) != 1 {
		fmt.Println("No event was created.")

	// The Brigade event was successfully created!
	fmt.Printf("Event created with ID %s\n", events.Items[0].ID)

Let’s briefly look at the Brigade Event object from above.

  // Construct a Brigade Event
  event := sdk.Event{
    // This is the source value for this event
    Source:    "",
    // This is the event's type
    Type:      "create-event",
    // This is the event's payload
    Payload:   "Dolly",

We’ve filled in the core fields needed for any Brigade event, Source and Type. As a bonus, we’re also adding a Payload. However, that’s just the start of what a Brigade Event can contain. Other notable fields worth researching are:

  • ProjectID: When supplied, the event will only be eligible for receipt by a specific project.

  • Qualifiers: A list of qualifier values. For a project to receive an event, the qualifiers on a project’s event subscription must exactly match the qualifiers on the event (in addition to matching source and type).

  • Labels: A list of labels. Projects can choose to utilize these for filtering purposes. In contrast to qualifiers, a project’s event subscription does not need to match an event’s labels in order to receive it. Labels, however, can be used to narrow an event subscription by optionally selecting only events that are labeled in a particular way.

  • ShortTitle: A short title for the event.

  • LongTitle: A longer, more descriptive title for the event.

  • SourceState: A key/value map representing event state that can be persisted by the Brigade API server so that gateways can track event handling progress and perform other actions, such as updating upstream services.

  • Summary: A free-form string field that may be populated by the Worker that handles the event. For example, specific details around the processing of an event can provide further context to end consumers after the Worker finishes.

Subscribing a project to events from the example gateway

In order to utilize events from the example gateway, we’ll need a Brigade project that subscribes to the corresponding event source ( and event type (hello). We’ll also define an event handler that handles these events and utilizes the attached payload.

Here’s the project definition file. Note the spec.eventSubscriptions section and the default brigade.ts script which contains our event handler:

kind: Project
  id: example-gateway-project
description: |-
  An example project that subscribes to events from an example gateway
  - source:
      - hello
    logLevel: DEBUG
      brigade.ts: |
        import { events } from "@brigadecore/brigadier"

        events.on("", "hello", async event => {
          console.log("Hello, " + event.payload + "!")


We can save this to project.yaml and create it in Brigade via the following command:

$ brig project create --file project.yaml

Running the gateway

Now that we have a project subscribing to events from this gateway, we’re ready to run our program! We export the values required by the gateway and then run it:

$ export APISERVER_ADDRESS=<Brigade API server address>

$ export API_TOKEN=<Brigade service account token from above>

$ go run main.go
Event created with ID 46a40cff-0689-466a-9cab-05f4bb9ef9f1

Finally, we can inspect the logs to verify the event was processed by the worker successfully and that the event payload came through:

$ brig event logs --id 46a40cff-0689-466a-9cab-05f4bb9ef9f1

2021-08-13T22:10:12.726Z INFO: brigade-worker version: 0d7546a
2021-08-13T22:10:12.732Z DEBUG: writing default brigade.ts to /var/vcs/.brigade/brigade.ts
2021-08-13T22:10:12.733Z DEBUG: using npm as the package manager
2021-08-13T22:10:12.733Z DEBUG: path /var/vcs/.brigade/node_modules/@brigadecore does not exist; creating it
2021-08-13T22:10:12.734Z DEBUG: polyfilling @brigadecore/brigadier with /var/brigade-worker/brigadier-polyfill
2021-08-13T22:10:12.734Z DEBUG: compiling brigade.ts with flags --target ES6 --module commonjs --esModuleInterop
2021-08-13T22:10:16.433Z DEBUG: running node brigade.js
Hello, Dolly!

Wrapping up

Hopefully this brief guide showing a sample gateway written using Brigade’s Go SDK was helpful. All of the sample code can be found in the [examples/gateways/example-gateway] directory.

We look forward to seeing the Brigade Gateway ecosystem expand with contributions from readers like you!